In-person & Online (via Zoom)
Low Pressure Fitness
Hypopressive Training
Low Pressure Fitness (LPF) is a comprehensive movement system that targets the core and pelvic floor muscles (coordinating and toning the muscles), restores posture and myofascial mobility and helps to improve breathing by focusing on diaphragm and lateral rib cage movement and position.
A hypopressive or abdominal vacuum is often used while performing the technical poses and movements within Low Pressure Fitness, creating reduced pressure throughout the abdomen and pelvic girdle.
LPF helps to improve:
Postpartum Rehab: Retrain your core muscles after having a baby and heal a Diastasis Recti (abdominal muscle separation)
Prevent Leakage: Helps those with urinary incontinence (uncontrollable leakage) and other forms of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction:
Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Symptoms of POP can be improved with this revolutionary system to lift the organs, decongest the pelvis and adapt to rises of Intra-abdominal pressure.
Slim the Waistline: Coordinate the abdominal wall and train the inner muscular corset to flatten the belly.
Athletic Performance: Enhance breathing and balance over and undertrained muscles that can occur with focused sport training.​​
LPF Intro Session
75 min
LPF Intro Series
3 x 60 min
iRest® for Nervous System Restoration
​Integrative Restoration, iRest for short, is an evidence-based, trauma-informed practice that combines the ancient practice of yoga nidra with modern-day psychology and neuroscience to support full-body wellness. Studies show iRest reduces anxiety, stress and chronic pain and improves sleep and overall well being.
The practice is integrative as it heals the various unresolved issues and traumas that are present in the body and mind, and restorative as it enables you to recognize your innate peace of mind that is always present amidst all changing circumstances of life.
75 min
Intro to iRest Series
3 x 60 min
In an iRest Dyad/Co-meditation, I support you to delve into self-inquiry and meet whatever is arising. This differs from a guided Yoga Nidra session in that you are invited to verbalize what you are noticing and experiencing including all the layers of your experience – sensations, images, thoughts and emotions. The aim is not to fix or change anything but to allow, meet and greet the experience so that insights may come forth.
This format can be a powerful way to tap into your inner wisdom and develop a somatic understanding of any challenges that you might be facing in life. This may include anxiety, depression, pain, or perhaps to get more perspective on emotions or self-limiting beliefs. Often clients come away from these sessions feeling a sense of integration or clear next steps to take.
60 min
Movement, Mindset &​
Nervous System Restoration
Post-concussion, getting back to physical activity, developing a positive and empowering mindset, and learning ways to regulating your nervous system are an important part of the healing process.
These sessions aim to:
Rebuild your strength from the inside out by re-educating your body for optimal postural alignment, breathing mechanics and intra-abdominal pressure management.
Cultivate a positive and empowering mindset and the tools for maintaining it.
Learn ways to calm the busy mind and reconnect to an inner sense of peace and ease.
Sessions are based on the foundational principles of:
Low Pressure Fitness Hypopressive training
iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation
LoveYourBrain Mindset curriculum
Post-Concussion Mindset & Movement
3 x 60 min
6 x 60 min